Single Minute Exchange of Dies: A systematic approach to dramatically reduce the time required to complete equipment change-overs (set-ups). SMED allows flexibility in producing variety of products without significant loss of production time.

Reach Us
Singapore Office:
1 One North Crescent, Level 7
Razer Building
Singapore 138538
Contact: +65 66403178
Indonesia Office:
Centennial Tower Lt. 29 Unit D - F
Jl. Jend Gatot Subroto Kav. 24 -25
Jakarta Selatan 12930, Indonesia
Contact: +62 21 30420660 /
+62 811-1129-979
Malaysia Office:
1-21-01, Lintang Mayang Pasir 3
Suntech, 11950 Bayan Baru,
Penang, Malaysia
Contact: : +604 2020971
[email protected]